Emotional Eating S.O.S (Freedom Kitchen Summit)

Welcome to all our Freedom Kitchen Summit Attendees

Download your FREE copy of my Emotional Eating S.O.S Book.

This book is available via Amazon at a price of $14.99, but I have made an e-book version thereof available for you here at no charge.

Complete the form below to gain immediate access to your download

About the book:

This book is for anyone who wishes to live and eat without feeling burdened by the body, including those who have ever purged after eating too much because they couldn’t  manage safe boundaries around consumption.

This is for anyone who wants to understand why, despite finding success in other areas of life, they still wind up feeling powerless around food. And it s for those who wake up morning after morning and ask themselves, despairingly, Why did I let myself do that again? Have you noticed that two major facets of our society, food and physical attractiveness, are unavoidably interdependent? Yet, in our culture, they betray each other constantly.

I put this material together in honor of those of you who have spent your lifeblood – your thoughts, your emotions, your energy, your efforts, your resources, and your time – wrestling with the conundrum of food and body image in our culture. Part nurturer, part enemy, food has been a source of great puzzlement for you. Emotional eating and poor body image have cast a dark shadow over your life for too long. I hope that this book will help release you from the social myths and toxic behaviors that have robbed joy, health, and freedom from the fabric of your life experience.

It is my sincerest wish that you gain clarity and freedom from this conundrum once and for all! You are my sisters and my brothers, and I love you! Natalia



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