The Natalia Rose

Pure Power


Our interactive online community led by Natalia Rose offering constant support, inspiration, and guidance

Physically Mentally Emotionally
Spiritually Energetically

here’s what’s included in the Natalia Rose community


$99/mo or $990/year

achieve & embody physical excellence now

Discover Your Untold Power & Unrealized Potential

Vitality, Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

All Of This is Guided and Reinforced Every Month!

Are you longing to live in a body that is vibrant and youthful?
Would you like to move through life with physical excellence, beauty, strength and joy? Would you like to say goodbye to your body-battles and enjoy your perfect weight and ideal body shape once and for all?

You are meant to SHINE. From the inside out, it’s your birthright to be radiantly energetic and glow inside and out.

You can embody perfect health, and I can help you. It’s time to reach new heights of physical and mental excellence you may have previously given up on.

Connect with your true source and tap into the abundance of life. Stop letting conditions cage you in, it’s time to break free and write your own story.

Deep down, you know you have been kept from being the best version of yourself by unconsciously subscribing to ‘norms’  that are holding you back.

I know the suffering you and most people experience on a regular basis and that I exactly why I started my private practice in Manhattan 22 years ago.

Over the course of these last two decades, my work, knowledge and ability to help others to transform their bodies, their hearts, minds and spiritual lives has expanded. I am now in a unique position to use my gifts to help anyone transcend hardships in their lives – physical or otherwise, while simultaneously accessing their golden, radiant power within that has been waiting in virtual dormancy.

Would you like to transfigure your body to physical excellence while you simultaneously repair your other energetic fields, bringing your heart, mind and spiritual connection into ideal alignment and fulfilling expression?

Imagine how this would improve your life, your relationships and your impact in your work and on this planet at-large?!

Address all your imbalances: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual and energetic simultaneously , in concert with the same philosophy, principles and tools.

Elevate your existence, life, experience and discover greater meaning, purpose and fulfillment with ultimate efficiency and not waste any more of your precious life stuck or in the steady decline so widely accepted by the world.

The power within you is SO big it is mind-bending. You may have heard rumors of such a thing but was it ever backed up with step-by-step guidance for accessing this power? It is high time you learn all about it and simultaneously be supported in bringing it forth.

The knowledge you’ve been waiting for:

Achieve physical excellence

Harness your true potential

Triumph over suffering

Find your kindred spirits

The Natalia Rose Approach

Get ready to receive insights you have never heard before that will activate your miraculous technology that has been waiting for you your entire life. You’ve always known there must be something more to this experience as a human being – you were right. There is! It has been obstructed and now is the time to remove that obstruction!

I have concise, fool-proof keys for you that will enable the fabled and scriptural ‘door’ to swing open.

However, because this approach is so unique and not what your conscious and subconscious minds have been entrained to and aligned with, the monthly meetings, podcasts, community and other materials generated monthly for you will be most helpful to speeding your progress right along! It’s as if we are resurrecting you from a lifetime of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic dormancy, impaction and suppression. Diligence, consistency and repetition are your best friends in this process of self-recovery/self-realization/transfiguration!

This knowledge will liberate, invigorate, and will start working for you immediately.

This a rather big statement! Is this for real?

Yes, it is an enormous statement and I fully stand by it! When I came to the knowledge I will share with you, I knew I had to get this knowledge to people as quickly as possible.

The knowledge specific to attaining physical and mental excellence is something I have been sharing with the world through my books and courses from the beginning -- 22 years and counting! I have watched lives change before my eyes. Once I received the transformational knowledge my approach is based on, I have spent the last two decades refining my insights. I cannot wait to share it all with you!


This work is for every single human being in a body, with a heart and the incredible human technology with which you deserve to be empowered! It should be central to our basic education! It is especially for those who wish to:

– Be free of their excess weight

– Turn their symptoms around completely

– Experience a true lightness of being (even if you’ve had a lifetime of feeling heavy and low-energy)

– Those who feel in their heart of hearts that there is more to their existence and their sacred ‘temple’ than they have been told

I firmly believe it was a confluence of my diligent physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic cleansing these last 22 years along with a natural righteous rebellious spirit and union with the Divine that I have felt deeply  since early childhood. This, combined with the most determined effort to get to the bottom of this thing called “life” and being beset by trials on my life-path that nearly killed me, all brought about the dynamic needed for this state of being to be reached and shared. Now, it is my sacred joy and my sacred job to reveal it to you and guide you every step of the way in every way I can.

You can expect to become aware finally of what you are doing here in a human body on the earth. You will come to learn how to access your true power and increase that power and you will learn about your human technology in a way that will give you new respect for yourself and inspire you to achieve your fullest potential.

I challenge you to a year of change, however, there are lesser commitment levels available, and you can cancel at any time.

You will receive two monthly zoom sessions, podcasts, and exclusive access to a supportive community. You will increase your learning and application of all the principles in the ways that will best serve your development, restoration, regeneration and activation!

We’ll meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 2 pm ET. If you can’t join us live, we’ll also post a replay in our community site!

On the first Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday of each month, we will hold a fully optional Group Cleanse. Participants in the monthly cleanse may decide if they wish to juice fast or undertake an abbreviated version of The Greatest Cleanse. Extra support will be provided by the NRI team through these three day cleanse periods. Members can participate every single month or pick and choose when they’d like to join in!


Always consult your physician or other health care professional prior to starting this or any other fitness program in order to determine if it is right for you. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising, you should stop immediately. This course offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health
care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional due to something you may have encountered
here. The use of any information provided here is solely and strictly at your own risk.