The Beginner’s Guide to Cleansing: 10 Tips for True Cleansing introduces beginners to the concepts of cleansing, how their bodies work in terms of eliminating waste, as well as the reasons why just dieting or just juicing is not enough to heal the body.
Course Syllabus
Full Video
- The Beginner’s Guide to Cleansing: 10 Tips for True Cleansing
Video Snippets
- Introduction
- What is true cleansing
- 3 Things to do first
- 1. Waste equals weight
- 2. Water is safe for cleansing
- 3. Cleansing is not about deprivation
- 4. Your desires, tastes and addictions will change… fast
- 5. Your brain fog will clear and your heart will open
- 6. True cleansing has clear and fast results
- 7. The more you cleanse, the easier it becomes
- 8. Cleansing has exponential benefits
- 9. The waste removes heavy metals and pathogens
- 10. The body wants to heal
- In closing
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Thankyou so much for this enspiring powerful video
In need of removing the waste and setting the correct conditions for body healing
Can’t wait to start my journey
🙏❤️ X