PhDetox Online Course

8 Step Practical Guide To Cellular Cleansing

natalia takes you through the steps

Knowing how to bring your body into clean-celled wholeness is essential knowledge for anyone at any age. Whether you are new to the concept of detoxification or a veteran cleanser, this course will provide you with your next steps. If you are a beginner you will save yourself from misguided cleansing protocols; if you are intermediate, you will gain critical information for your next leaps; and, if you are an advanced cleanser, remember there is no end point to elevating the quality of the blood and tissues and you too will find you can reach yet another exciting stage!

Here's the breakdown of each module:

Module 1: Introduction to Toxicity

We establish the fundamental precepts of toxicity and the process of purposeful detoxification. By the end of this module you will have gained essential clarity on the process of detoxification.

Module 2: The Solution to Toxicity

In this class you will learn the two-step process for undoing the damage and renewing the system.  The method is precise and profoundly empowering!

Module 3: Rules of Digestion

The state of our digestive tract determines the state of being of our entire body. Our blood and organs depend on a strong, fast flowing digestive system to maintain clean, alkaline blood and unburdened organs. Detoxification depends fully on the digestive system staying in flow and non-septic! In this module we will discuss the essential rules and tools to super-charge the central highway of your body!

Module 4: Factors of a Modern World

Our world and our bodies are not as alkaline as they were just 30 years ago. With the electro-magnetic charge inside our bodies and the air and water becoming more positively ionically-charged, a whole host of new issues have taken hold in the modern body that were not nearly as prevalent in the past.  In this module you’ll learn what has caused this shift and why it is critical to your health and essential to an efficacious cleanse to know how to apply this knowledge to your cleansing process.

Module 5: The Alimentary Canal — Perils and Symptoms of a Congested Tract

Familiarity with your entire alimentary tract from beginning to end and the role each section plays in moving and assimilating substances is elementary to good internal hygiene. What may at first glance sound like dull subject matter will become exciting and critical when you learn how empowering it is to know how to manage the intake and elimination of your digestive system.

Module 6: Practical Personal Application of Detoxification

Now that the fundamentals have been established, we can use this module to help each student create the best cleanse protocol for themselves.  I will walk you through the fool-proof method for creating your ideal personalized cleanse.

Module 7: Physical Education

Weight loss is a natural part of detoxification but different for everyone.  In this module we will address weight loss and what detoxers of different ages and body types can expect with regard to weight loss. I will also offer suggestions to tip the scales in your favor.  We will also discuss the various exercise modalities to shed light on which forms are most supportive of detoxification.

Module 8: Understanding and Reversing Chronic and Acute Conditions

With so many people suffering with chronic symptoms and sadly, dire conditions, this module aims to shed much needed light on how to read specific organ diseases and apply specific dietary variations on the detox diet that will prevent and help reverse these ailments.

what you can expect:

Praise for phdetox:

I feel so grateful for this program. I feel 'enlightened,' more energized, happier (I think people don't fully realize that what they eat can affect their moods), and finally, for the first time in my life, I feel a greater sense of control regarding my eating habits. I've also experienced tremendous improvement with my asthmatic/allergy condition. I am no longer dependent on asthma medication. I am able to run five miles per day and have recently completed a half marathon! Like many others, I've been a yo-yo dieter. Bottom line: I feel so much more alive. Thank you, Natalia.

It has been two and a half months since I've been working with Natalia and I have lost a total of 30 pounds and I'm continuing to lose more weight. But for the first time in my life I am really happy with my weight and myself. This is how I want to eat for the rest of my life. I feel like a new being has emerged! I never dreamed that my body would ever look and feel this healthy. I introduced my family to Natalia's program so all of us can benefit from a healthy lifestyle. Natalia, I want to thank you again for changing my life and finally helping me win the battle.

I've only been reading Natalia's Raw Food Detox Diet for about three weeks. I was hooked the day I got the book and have read about 70% already. I am so thankful I ordered this. I love her humor and style. She offers common sense approaches that are attainable for everyday people with busy lives. Just by cutting out processed foods, bleached foods, and cow dairy alone, I have stopped retaining water and dropped about two pants sizes. People keep saying 'you've lost weight!' I was never overweight to begin with, maybe 10 pounds, if that. I don't get bloating after meals now either, and another benefit is increased regularity too. My midsection is nice and slim again and my body does feel more toned. I have been too busy to exercise lately so these changes have been solely from applying some of the principals from this book! I'm getting the hang of the food combining but am not doing it perfectly yet. I am about a level 3, maybe even closer to a 2 now. The most amazing thing about making these changes (and I think this happens to most people) is I do not crave junk food anymore! No desire to eat it whatsoever. I crave good healthy food now! I know that might sound crazy to some people. Once you are starting to cleanse and put wholesome things in your body, you become more conscious of what you're putting in your mouth! Something definitely changes in you, mentally and physically, all for the better.

I came to Natalia's detox program overweight and unhealthy. I quickly learned a whole new way of thinking about eating that would offer me truly optimum health. Not only did I immediately lose 10 pounds (I'm still losing), but I feel so much more energetic and fulfilled. The best thing of all is that I feel like me again; feeling great about my body has made me the social being I was before I put on the extra weight. There's a lot of freedom in being as beautiful as you can be, inside and out. Thank you, Natalia, for your passion for really helping people, and for believing in me.

After only a month on Natalia's Program, I had lost 12 pounds, my spare tire started to vanish, and my belt was buckling three holes smaller than before. Apart from the weight loss, it has been very liberating to be eating so many natural, unprocessed foods and tobe more in control of what goes in my body. I have not once suffered from hunger pangs or boredom with food choices on this diet--there is always a tasty, healthful option available when you need it. Who needs processed sugar once you discover raw honey!?

Extremely Green Detox Online Course

$ 197 One time payment
  • Unlimited Online Access
  • Begin When Ready
  • Self-Paced Learning


Always consult your physician or other health care professional prior to starting this or any other fitness program in order to determine if it is right for you. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising, you should stop immediately. This course offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health
care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional due to something you may have encountered
here. The use of any information provided here is solely and strictly at your own risk.