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Natalia Rose
Posts: 34
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Joined: 7 years ago

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Margaret Rapoport-Kamins
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So excited about the upcoming week. I am jumping on trying the bee pollen. Is there a suggested amount to begin with and work up to ingesting. Also, do you take it in between sips of juice, or after juice consumption?

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Joined: 7 years ago

Dear Natalia,

I don't have access to goat cheese here and I'm afraid I would be so hungry without it. Especially because I've been indulging in starchy dense food.  Also, Is it ok to have vegetable soup during the day with the salad? 

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Actually, my question would be that I wouldn't be able to find goat cheese and without it, it may be very difficult to get through. I may incorporate good quality eggs. I know you said it's best to avoid, but if I need to have it, how much would you recommend?

Natalia Rose
Joined: 7 years ago

Posts: 34

@megumisaruhashi  Hi Megumi, Remember it doesn't have to be raw goat cheese. It can be pastureized. I mention this because I know many States will not sell raw dairy. I prefer the hard goat cheeses for this -- cheddar or gouda style. I realize you are in Japan tho so it may be harder to come by goat cheeses. Yes, alternatively, in your case, you may do 2-4 eggs (preferably on alternate days) instead if necessary. Another alternative would be raw tahini if you can get it (far preferable to the eggs, perhaps to do on the other days). Blend 2 tbsps raw tahini with some lemon juice and stevia for a lunch or dinner salad dressing or dip for your veggies. You can use this over your cooked veggies too. It is an alternative for those in your situation. Happy speed-cleansing! Much love, Natalia

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@natalia-rose Thank you so much for your suggestion!  I found a place that sells pasteurized buffalo mozzarella cheese. I may try that too. If I order goat cheese either raw or pateurized online, it would cost a fortune in Japan, so I would go to the eggs or tahini. Although I never seen a raw tahini here, so I may just go for the eggs. 


Also, would you address in the call today how to cope with the impulse to grab something and eat during the day.

I'm used to eating fruits and other stuff that's not part of this program throughout the day. 

How do you deal with the impulse and get through the day? I'm an addict to sugar and it's a serious battle...

I would appreciate it if you could speak about it during the call. 

I'd like to tune in but it's 1am in my time, so I will listen to the recording.

Paris Reyes
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Two tbsp of raw tahini seems so little to me compared to 1.5 avocados, 5 ounces of goat cheese, or 4 eggs is there a reason why I'm just curious 😇😇 xoParis

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@missparisreyes - Hey Paris... Tahini in my opinion is fairly dense which is why just two tablespoons is referenced. I end up adding half a lemon (squeezed) and its delish. Depending on my mood... I'll add spices.

The avocado is water containing (life force) so you can get a bit more.

Paris Reyes
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@kandis ooh i see‼️

✨💡✨ I get it now 💥thank you  Kandis💖and that sounds really yummy I'll have to try 💞💞

Natalia Rose
Joined: 7 years ago

Posts: 34

@megumisaruhashi Yes, you may enjoy pure veggie soup served nice and hot with your daytime salad! That's a great option and highly recommended for you and others who feel as you do! XoN

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Can we add onions or garlic to soups and salads or is it best to avoid?

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Natalia Rose
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@meganevangeline Yes, you may as long as they are fresh! Enjoy! XoN

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Hey! Can we also have starchy veggies within our 2-3 veggie salads or soups? Such as sweet potatoes, squash, etc? What about night shades - are those off limits? 

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